Accident & Personal Injury Matters

Saratoga Springs Lawyer - Accident and Personal Injury

Accident & Personal Injury Matters – Have you been injured in a motor vehicle accident, work-related accident, taken a slip and fall, or sustained a personal injury at the fault of another?  Click Here!


Criminal Defense & Traffic Matters

Saratoga Springs Lawyer - Criminal Defense and Traffic MattersCriminal Defense & Traffic Matters – Have you been arrested?  Issued a ticket for a driving violation?  Click Here!


Real Estate

Saratoga Springs Lawyer - Real EstateReal Estate – Are you in the process of buying or selling a home, business, or vacant land?  Click Here!


Wills & Estates

Saratoga Springs Lawyer - Wills and EstatesWills & Estates – Have you finally decided that you’ve put off writing your Will long enough?  Has a loved one has died, and you seek representation to make sure their estate is distributed properly?  Click Here!
